I apologize if this is a repost for those of you who receive blog posts by email or view them via a blog feed reader. We did some reshuffling last week to ensure you don’t miss out an inspiring guest post but we are back to regular scheduling now.
I spend painful tiny writing sessions at the crack of dawn adding 50 words to my story then another 50 and another 50 until maybe I hit 500-800 before it’s time for me to get to my day job, and I wonder, why on earth do I do that?
Do you ever get that feeling?
I question myself over and over, realist to the possibility that this manuscript is perhaps just practice. That no matter how I submit it down the ladder of agents, trad-publishers and small publisher, it might never be good enough to actually be read.
And that the 250 hrs I spent are just gone from my life.
I just sit there at times in front of the blank page or staring at lines of unedited work wondering, why continue to do this if there are no guarantees?
It’s really hard to find the answer to that question, isn’t it?
Because there are easier ways to spend our extra time, easier ways to earn a living, or be creative and certainly not something to do in a quest for fame. So why?
There are so so many people we meet who confess they have a book in them. Is it a way to express ourselves to the world? To put some order to our jumbled thoughts, inner voices and dreams.
Maybe I am wasting my time, I truly don’t know. But I could also waste it on mindless TV, Facebook addiction, hours of Angry Birds or snarky gossip with so-so friends.
At least I’ll have something out of it at the end, right? Even if its unfit for public reading!
And at least those voices inside my head will finally have found a home.
Happy Writing!
Much love,
Marie-Claude xoxox